Sunday 9 October 2011

An afternoon filming at Tatton Deer park

 After realising that the Deer rut has begun and really wanting to film the event I decided on looking into places nearby where I could film them and after remembering Tatton park where Fallow and Red Deer are kept and they live naturally in 1000 acres of woodland with grazing areas so I hope to go Monday afternoon after work to have a walk around and find both species of Deer.  If there rutting excellent but I must remember to keep a distance due to there power and increased aggression at this time of year so as long as I respect them and stay alert I should be able to get some good footage including photos and slow motion rutting sequences.

The weather looks good with sunny spells and strong winds so it should be a great afternoon out filming the Deer of Tatton park. As the park closes at 7pm we should be able to get the glowing orange sunlight of sunset shining down on the deer giving the oppotunity of  some beautiful footage that I have wanted to capture for so long since seeing the wildlife footage of Peter Mcmurdie who is a fantastic cameraman from Cornwall heres is site if anyone wishes to see any more of his work.
For more information on Tatton park  - Click here

Thanks for reading


I had to cancel due to bad weather

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