Sunday 26 December 2010

Christmas eve - Christmas day - Boxing day

After two weeks of being out in the snow every afternoon filming and photographing wildlife the dreaded winter flu caught up with me so I ended up finishing work early on Christmas eve for some much needed recuperation and felt abit better on Christmas day but the good thing is I think I am nearly fully recovered. After a short walk to throw a food mix (bread, chocolate digestives, peanuts and ground down fat balls) for the ducks and swans that have decided to settle on a unfrozen piece of the canal I also spotted a new duck species on my local patch which I saw on the river Dane which runs next to the canal was a single male Teal which looked stunning with the current icy back drop but it went for cover and I could not find but I will try again tomorrow after work at the same spot.

Make sure you watch - Halcyon river diaries
Monday 27th December BBC 1 at 6.10pm
It's a great wildlife documentary and I have watched the 1st series a few times as it takes an ordinary english river and show the beauty of the wildlife that lives on and around it.

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