Wednesday 29 June 2011

A few hours Kayaking and a Lapwing chick by the flashes

After returning from a fantastic holiday I wanted to go Kayaking on the flashes and I decided to park up in the reed beds which have opened up into a nice sheltered area away from wind allowing some close encounters with Reed Warblers less than a metre away and one thing I had not expected to see was a Waterrail and 4 chicks that quickly swam off into the thick reed beds. 
I spotted a baby Lapwing after bringing my kayak out of the water so I did not know if I had injured it accidentally due to it not moving so i lifted up its head to make sure it was okay and as I was there I used my iPhone to get a quick photograph of the encounter then I backed off and it walked into thick nettles I returned to the kayak and the adults returned calling the brood to them.
I took these photographs on my Iphone due to my DSLR being secured in the back of the kayak

 Now I am abit more confident in my Kayak i take my DSLR with me in case of a special encounter but the Waterrail disappeared so fast I had not time to take a photograph due to the my kayak spinning round to fast but now I know there are in the area and breeding I have an idea for a secret project to try and film them and I believe the place I have found is only accessible by water meaning birds, Otters and Mink can only access the area making it a great place to setup some ideas I have thought up without anything being disturbed by anybody as the area is blocked off from the main canal and I can get to the area with my Kayak but no big boats can get near due to the shallow, muddy water and thick trees.

I cannot wait to get started but I will have to take it step by step due to doing some of the work to access the area from my inflatable kayak so no sharp objects. I will be starting the project tomorrow so fingers crossed I will get access to the island area and begin exploring a little more to find some signs of Otters if I look hard enough.

Thanks for reading



  1. Lovely shots of the little one Mike. Good luck with your endeavours.

  2. Thankyou Frank it should all workout fingers crossed.

  3. A lovely post and great images Mike.

  4. Thanks Andrew, hope to meet you soon.
