Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Updates-Fox tracking-Badger filming

 As the weather improved slightly we set off to the woodland where we spotted the fox and we noticed that when we arrived that to the tree where we smelled the musky scent we found that it had gone meaning that if the Fox had been in the area in the last few hours the as it had been raining the night before but we could not find anything but I will keep my eye out and take another look around tomorrow afternoon as well as topping up the feeders and building the natural bench for a place to sit.
 I got some time to get some Badger filming at my most recently discovered setts and I decided to move one of my cameras to a new area of the sett and put a camera in the same position near the daffodils but lower to the ground to capture a larger area and some vocals of the Badgers as they feed and socialise with each other.
All of the photographs above were taken from video that I recorded and will feature in the first episode of Diaries of a Cheshire wildlife watcher 
"The Wild waterways of Cheshire"
I got some great footage and hopefully we will get more natural behaviour as they get used to the cameras and begin to change their behaviour as the nights gets shorter and its lighter at night and earlier in the morning so I will be doing a few Badgers watches with multiple cameras setup. 
Thanks for reading

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