Wednesday 19 August 2015

A Family of Foxes on my local patch at last

While on a sunny afternoons ramble after finishing work I decided to visit the new wild area I found recently found near my home town. I was hoping to see what else was around while the sun was shining and the birds were singing. While on my way through one of the fields I got distracted by a Fox heading towards me, I decided to drop to the ground and get my camera out just encase the Fox walked right by me. The grass was wet but the excite of this stunning Fox heading towards me took all my attention. I could just see the Fox getting closer through the long grass, it seemed to be marking it's path from the woodland it came out from. As the Fox got really close I raised my camera and awaited it to pass, just as I was about to trigger my camera it quickly shot off back where it came from. The only photograph I managed to get was a little disappointing to say the least.
Photo Fox fail!!!!
The Fox returned to it's woodland hideaway it was nice to see the Fox react as I'd expect hopefully this will mean the Fox will manage to keep away from man. This will make my job harder so I think I will be pulling out a new piece of kit from my inventory. I decided on seeing if I could find out where the Fox had gone as I was hoping to find a Mother with cubs to photograph. I have been searching for many years to find a local Fox family as they don't seem to hang around, I'm not sure why but I'm sure it could be a hunter related issue which I will be keeping an eye on over the Autumn season.
Closer to where the Fox disapeared off I looked up to a hill I saw 2 more Foxes together enjoying a sunbathing session. The pair seemed to be adults not grown cubs and I noticed they were quite friendly with each other and they kept nuzzling each other so they could be related.
 Hiding in the grass
 On the run
They may have been after this stealthy Rabbit
As the wind changed direction the pair caught my scent and headed off in the same direction as the first Fox headed off to. I'll leave them for a few days and head back to see what else I can find but as I only have a week or so left before heading off on my 2 week summer holidays on the North Wales coast. Hopefully while I am in Wales I may be able to find a coastal Fox family but one thing I've learnt is to keep the photography locations secret as Foxes have many enemy's and as I'm a friend to the Foxes I will do all I can to keep them safe from an idiots gun or a hunter dog.

Thanks for reading my blog
Stay wild, be happy and be safe

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