Wednesday 2 December 2015

Drawing Foxes.......

While walking through the countryside lately I have noticed the smell of Fox getting stronger which means it's getting time for the breeding season. The breeding season lasts from December through to the end February at the latest, then there cubs will be born in the late spring. With Foxes in my head I decided that it was time to have ago at drawing them and I decided to start with a photograph I took this summer then move onto something a little more difficult to draw. In the end I found some inspiration from a fellow wildlife lover from North Wales.
Fox in the hills of Conwy
For my second Fox drawing I decided on drawing from a photographer called Richard Bowler who once looked after and raised a Fox cub to adulthood. While looking after the Fox they gained an amazing relationship with each other also his Dog Maddy became firm friends with the Fox. Richard got some amazing photographs of the pair together which inspired the drawing below.
Rosy the Fox and Maddy the dog "Forever friends"
Below is a link to Richard Bowlers photographs and I'm sure you will agree he has taken some amazing photographs while still having the time to care for our wonderful British wildlife.

Thanks for reading my blog
Stay wild, be happy and be safe


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