Tuesday 5 March 2013

Snow Buntings on the North Wales coast

I had a few birds on my list when we went to North Wales a few weeks ago and as last year we got the Short eared Owls but missed the Buntings and Purple Sandpipers those 2 were priority. So this year we decided on the Snow Buntings which we found on a windy but sunny quiet beach and at first look we could not see them at all as it was like looking for a needle in haystack.
As we walked along we spotted them as they were very nervous and flighty probably from all the dogs off leads on the beach.
I managed to get a photo of one in flight from a fair distance away but could not get close for a decent shot as it was nice just to see them after looking for them for 3 years at this site.
There was about 9 in total each one with different markings and tones of brown.
Stunning little birds that i hope to see again next year or in April if there still around.
After leaving the Buntings in piece we decided to head off to the Purple Sandpiper location on our way back to the cottage we were staying at but did we get to photograph them? 
you'll just have to wait for tomorrows post ;-) 

Thanks for reading



  1. I love snowbuntings and we always look out for them on our hill walks in Snowdonia but not seen any for a while, they're all down on the beach I see! Great post thanks for sharing

  2. Yes there really tough to find though looking like small rocks from a distance.
