Thursday 5 May 2011

A interesting new find at Brock wood Badger sett

 Last weekend when trying to film the Badger cubs at Brock wood I ended up geting some footage of a Badger that had no reflection on its eyes from the IR lights on the camera trap and I came to the conclusion that this individual was either blind from birth or an older Badger that has lost its sight but as you can see in the video below that the rest of the group is interacting with it and it looks well other than its eyes and as Badgers have bad eyesight anyway they rely on there sense of smell to avoid threats and detect other members of the group and it must beable to finds it way back underground. 

I hope that I get to film this individual again as it seems like a great story and the fact that its easily identifiable means that we can give it a name so I can document its life from crossing a deep stream to marks its territory to visiting a Garden where they feed a few miles away from the sett. Any suggestions will be most grateful as it will be used in Episode 1 of wildlife documentry series Called The wild waterways of Cheshire when we feature the Badger individuals at Brock wood.
See previous post for information on the garden they visit when they leave the safety of the sett
Thanks for reading 


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