Wednesday 18 August 2010

Designing an otter holt ready for Winter 2010

I finally got started on designing a wooden otter holt with a built in camera trap so if a mink, otter or other mammal enters or sleeps in the holt it will be filmed. I plan to bury the chamber by the river dane in a secret location on its banks and I will bait the entrance with fish every week to attract the otters to the holt. The camera will be checked monthly to see if anything has been recorded on its memory card so fingers crossed I will have video footage of otters on the river dane by 2011.

I decided to adapt a ready made rabbit hutch with a hinge lid so I gain access to the camera trap easily and I have also decided to add a entrance tunnel to lead from the water the chamber.Below is the finished design that I will start to build and then test in my garden.


  1. Hi there Mike, just discovered your blog whilst browsing for links for live webcams. It's caught my interest and I've just added your link so I can visit again :-)

    At this moment I'm watching the view (in my own garden) from a camera in a hedgehog feeding station which is an adapted rabbit hutch. It has been fun setting this up and seeing what happens.

    I was interested in the camera you are using in your holt. I'll guess it would be too expensive for me to consider but I wonder if you would mind sharing the make, model etc. Have you used this one before and I wondered what the quality of images are like.

    I hope you don't mind me asking :-)

  2. I love a good wildlife project from designing it to building then watching a mammal or bird using it.

    I post my videos here for some of my projects

    I sell the camera traps on my site which come from america the images and videos are great depending on what you want from pixel quality to flash and IR or both.I am currently adding new camera traps from the range of varying prices to my sites shop located here.
