Sunday 4 May 2014

One from the Winter - Storm force winds and a warrior of the sea

With posts backing up since January I thought it was time to get back into blogging and after a busy few months of business and set backs especially with idiots on my local patch and I may go into more detail in the future if I feel like its something that fits into the blog.  
Earlier in the year on a trip to Llandudno we experienced lots of storms with strong winds and high tides that ripped the North Wales coast apart from sand dunes to proms the amount of  damage that was caused to wildlife was also severe. While walking back from Conwy RSPB on the North Wales coast we decided to walk along a riverside footpath that flows into the  sea we spotted a Guillimot close to shore swimming up the river to escape the stormy weather. The Guillemot looked in good health but obviously tired from paddling against the high tide and luckily we managed to get a few photographs before the snow storm hit.
 very close...
 Battered by the wind and water
I have so much admiration for sea birds that have to survive in an ever changing environment of the sea and hopefully this June I can explore there life in more detail when I kayak to an area of sea bird cliffs where I have never been before and to kayak there has been on my list for years.


One from a kayaking trip this weekend in the early hours checking my water birds nests to see how many have been predated, hatched or if more eggs have been laid and all are fine I am glad to say.

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