Monday 18 October 2010

Camera trapping the river with Bushnell IR8

At the weekend I camera trapped a part of my local river where I found a piece of otter spraint on the bank close to some rocks in the river so I decided to use the Bushnell IR8 and for bait I used Night 1 tuna chunks - Night 2 salmon chunks.
Below is two test shots one in the day and one at night using Ir light.
On the first night the camera memory got full to quick due to being triggered by the rivers flow but the bait was gone the next day and the tin I left under the rock to collect the next day was on top of the rock so nothing was recorded visiting the area.
On the second night I recorded a Mink eating the bait but this time the tin was untouched so maybe an Otter visited on the first occasion but nothing recorded yet so I will keep camera trapping this area over the winter months.

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